We accept that for some who are after the ultimate in out of this world thrills Deer Stalking, whilst exciting may not quite match up to what may be on offer in the non too distant future. Courtesy of QP Magazine: http://www.qpmagazine.com/

space300With the advent of private space travel, several commercial ventures have – no pun intended – launched themselves into the market. One of the more head-turning companies offering to take space voyagers into space at – again, no puns here – astronomical prices, is the Space Expedition Corporation, SXC. The company has partnered with Luminox to provide special edition wristwatches to each of its first batch of astronaut-clients.

Unsurprisingly, the project has attracted the attention of the wealthy and eccentric, including celebrities. Luminox was particularly pleased to reveal that the legendary Sir Bob Geldof will be among SXC’s passengers, with the SXC founder Michiel Mol calling the 61-year-old rock star “an icon of social responsibility”. This doesn’t mean Sir Bob was excused from participating in the exacting training schedule, which began at the end of September.

Geldof will be flown through space in a two-man rocket, with only the pilot for company, on a trip lasting about an hour. The SXC spacecraft is able to take off and land on a runway like a regular plane. He will receive a Luminox Space watch designed especially for SXC. 



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