Deer Management

The term Deer Management refers to the practice of controlling a population of deer on a given area of land, usually through culling, so that it meets the objectives of the landowner or land manager.

The objective of a deer management plan should be sympathetic to the requirements of the landowner or manager and therefore the management strategy may differ according to the required outcome.

deer management


At County Deer Stalking we have decades of experience assisting landowners achieve their deer management objectives, whilst also maximising the financial returns that can be made from deer. Call us on 0203 981 0159 / 07789 747709 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss how we can help.

Whilst objectives may differ, the usual purpose of a deer management plan, is to reduce the negative impact of deer damage, something that may involve the stripping of tree bark and browsing of plants, shrubs and crops that may have detrimental repercussions on the abundance of plant life, the wildlife populations or livestock that depend on them and/or the financial returns made from such.

Considerations when compiling a deer management plan might be as follow:

1. To reduce deer damage
2. To maximise returns from venison
3. To maximise sporting returns
4. To conserve a sustainable population

Effective deer management will usually require that the deer manager carry out a selective cull of deer to first achieve the desired number of animals on the ground, given the grounds reasonable carrying capacity.

The second objective is to then manage the population sustainably at a level where the deer can reach their optimum condition, without having a detrimental impact on the grounds carrying capacity.

Like many things, it is a balance. Here at County Deer Stalking we offer deer management solutions for all six of the UK’s deer species and wild boar throughout the UK.

Decades of experience helping landowners achieve their objectives has taught us to put the landowner first. We have worked with farmers, foresters and land managers who want to keep deer numbers at manageable levels, whilst also generating a valuable income.

At County Deer Stalking we offer:

1. Top prices for deer stalking leases
2. A professional deer management service
3. Deer impact assessment
4. Deer management plan
5. Culling
6. Clear record keeping

If you need deer managed on your land, we have the answers you are looking for. Contact us now to discuss 0203 981 0159 or to speak directly with our Director Peter Jones 07789 747709 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To learn more about how to obtain a deer management qualification follow this link: deer-stalking-qualifications



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