Ash Tree Die Back continues to be in the news as clear signs of the diseases spread across the Uk continue. There are now signs of the disease at 127 sites across the UK including sites most recently found in East Sussex. Calls continue to urge the public to be vigilant for signs of the disease which is currently estimated to cost the economy millions across UK nurseries alone. (For more information on this subject and for links as to how to spot the disease search our site using the phrase 'Ash Tree Die Back').

Botswana Calls a Holt on Commercial Hunting. As of January 2014 Botswana who have an estimated third of the worlds elephant population is set to make commercial hunting illegal. It is possible that this may lead to further bans across other neighbouring countries as many move to protect a diminishing population of various species of Wildlife. The controversial ban will have repercussions across the country as many communities remain dependent on the hunting industry. 

Badger Cull Still Going Ahead. Despite continued protests the government remains committed to introducing the cull of Badgers starting this summer. Defra minister Owen Paterson confirmed however that there may be some last minute changes to the location of the proposed trial areas.

Promising Signs Ahead for Bisley. With the appointment of Andrew Mercer as the new Chief Executive of the NRA comes hope for the improvement of the facilities at the National Shooting Centre near London. Having missed out on the possible revenue that might have been attracted to the venue from winning the Olympics, there is hope that Bisley may do well under Mr Mercer who has voiced clear intentions to improve the facility during 2013 and beyond.




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