With the Roe Rut fast approaching many people will be dusting off their Roe calls and frantically viewing clips on 'You Tube' to get the best possible technique.

So a few words of advice, whilst I do not pretend to be the finest of callers, there are many who have made it an art form, I have had my fair share of success and failure.

Firstly and most importantly if the Rut's not on there's no point in calling. If the weather has been cold and wet and it's the middle of July then don't bother, you'll only alert the Roe to your tactics and these animals are fast learners.

In Hampshire where I stalk I usually reckon on the peak of the Rut being 25th July to 5th August but this is weather dependant, hot stormy weather being about the best conditions.

Get yourself in good spot where you have good visibility and you can't be approached without a fair chance of seeing the animal first.

Your calling should start with a few 'peeps' on your chosen call, be patient and sit very still because even if you can't see a beast you can't guarantee that you won't have got ones attention.

After about twenty minutes you might try something a bit bolder (I'm not going to describe this sound phonetically so get yourself on you tube if you want more details), If this hasn't worked then move to another area.

Chances are if it still hasn't worked then the Roe simply aren't in heat!

For those new to calling one bit of advice which I think will really help you to get your technique right. And that is; don't neglect normal stalking methods. If you can spot the animal first this is a real opportunity to practice your calling, you will be able to see exactly how the animals react to your technique and that's when you really learn your craft.

Roe calling can be a real spectacle and if you get it right it's enormously satisfying. I have had Bucks come charging in with just a couple of 'peeps' however on the other hand there have been those occasions in late July when I have been calling not 100 yards from a Buck only to have it completely ignore me!!

Good luck and let St Hubert guide you!!!




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