Roe Buck Calling in the Rut. Peter Jones get's some unexpected results from calling along with an excellent Old Roe Buck. 

Roe Rut Licensed 1

Further to my last blog announcing the start of the 2012 Roe Rut on my ground in Hampshire the rut so far is promising to be a good one. The weather has been hot and sunny all week and in true style previously unseen Bucks seem to be appearing from nowhere.

Roe have been reacting well to the Buttalo call with some other unexpected events. Stalking the other evening with a regular client Graham J we witnessed a rare turn of events when a Fallow Doe also responded to the call!!  

This was a first for both of us, having taken up position in a thick hedgerow we started calling; 'peep' peep' peep'.  After about ten minutes of calling we were astonished to see a young Fallow Doe cautiously approach our position. This was clearly no accident, with her head 'bobbing' up and down further peeps encouraged her to approach astonishingly close before she seemed to recognise her foolishness and 'pronked' off barking in alarm.

I would be very interested to hear if anyone else has witnessed fallow responding to a buttalo? If you have then please wing me an email and let me know?

Just a few minutes later we were further rewarded when an old Roe buck came charging in across the adjacent field of standing corn, another truly superb image that will stay with me. To his credit Graham dropped him cleanly from a very awkward shooting position with a 165grain bullet spat from his own Sako .308.  

An old greying buck well past his best with teeth that appeared almost flush with his gums, a great one to cull as by doing so it will undoubtedly save him the inevitable starvation that would result from his worn teeth over the coming winter months.  

(For more information about 'How to Call a Roe Buck' follow this link: or search the site for more information about the Roe Rut).




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