'The Online Deer Stalkers Magazine'

County Deer Stalking will shortly be changing! Whilst the somewhat 'home spun' design of our current website has served us well, it has become apparent in recent months that we have outgrown our current  format.

With our regular readership now running into thousands each month we have decided it is time to re launch the site with, what I hope you will agree, will be a fantastic new glossy image!

County Deer Stalking will take on a more magazine type feel. You will of course continue to be able to book deer stalking as usual, however you will also be able to read articles and reviews in a more clearly laid out manner that will offer you better quality and faster referencing.

To reflect our readers interests we will also be offering you a 'Lifestyle' element, with top authors providing articles not just about UK Deer Stalking but also about things that we hope you will find interesting. Fine wine, whisky, Cigars, watches and a whole host of other subjects.

For those that enjoy the 'Monthly Almanac' there will also be an opportunity to subscribe.

By simply entering your email address we will forward the Almanac straight to your email inbox. I very much hope you will take advantage of this. The monthly Almanac seeks to provide you with up to date information about what species are in season and what you can expect from your deer stalking in the month ahead.

Finally a personal plea. Unlike hard copy magazines County Deer Stalking will be a completely free online magazine. So firstly if you enjoy the site all I ask is that you spread the word!

Secondly if you find yourself looking for a new piece of kit then please consider using one of our excellent and carefully chosen advertisers.

Once again many thanks to all our readers for your continued support and I hope you will enjoy our new look....coming soon!!!!




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