Peter Jones Reviews the Swarovski EL 8.5x42 Binocular.

Swarovski EL Binocular Review

Swarovski EL RangeOn one of last winter's coldest most snowy evenings, I found myself driving home from an outings deer stalking looking out at a parade of vehicles, slipping and sliding around on the ice and snow. As I drove past these less well suited vehicles in my 4x4, I felt a kind of warm smugness at my own choice of vehicle, that left me with a profound feeling of satisfaction!

(Left: The Swarovski 8.5x42 EL Binocular)

In a similar fashion, there is something about having a pair of Swarovski Binoculars with you that evokes similar feelings. When first venturing out with them, I also felt that same deep feeling of smugness, knowing that I had with me some of the very best kit on the market, perfectly suited to purpose.  

The binoculars that I have had on trial, and that are the source of these warm feelings, are a pair of the 8.5x42 from Swarovski's EL range. Swarovski for some time now have represented the Rolls Royce of optics and for many their binoculars have an aspirational quality to them for hunters and bird watchers alike.

Swarovski EL Range Finder Binocular

Above: Also hugely popular is the Swarovski EL Range Finder Binocular which is perfect for those hunters who require accurate range estimation.   

So what makes Swarovski so desirable? There is no doubt that a certain amount of their reputation comes down to a kind of brand image, but this image is undoubtedly justified. Their attention to detail and customer service is first class. Indeed Swarovski Optik pride themselves on their post sales support to their customers, and their ability to be able to replace and repair parts throughout the life time of their binoculars.

Clearly for many a pair Swarovski binoculars represent a very sizeable spend, and so this high level of customer support is crucial to insure that people have the confidence to commit their hard earned cash.  

So what of the pair that I have been trialling? Well the design and build is rugged and hard wearing, at 960g (strap and covers included) they are not the most lightweight of binoculars however they are well balanced and due to the nature of their having two bridging hinges with grooves under each barrel are very easy to handle. Obviously like all high end binoculars these days they are of the classic roof prism variety and are fully sealed, water tight and nitrogen filled.

The field of view is 399ft at 100yards which is excellent and the focus can be dialled down to give clarity at just a few feet. Focus from the closest setting to maximum is achieved with around two and a half turns of the focus knob. However what I particularly like with these Swarovski's is the design of the Diopter adjustment which is achieved by pulling out the focus wheel and setting your own particular dioptric value to suit the visual acuity of each eye.  

Other good points include an adjustable plastic rain guard for the lenses and rubber covers that easily pop over the objective lenses. Another simple but nice addition was the enclosed adapter that allows for the fitting of a camera lens.

 All good stuff! So what of clarity? Well the lenses are needless to say crisp, very crisp! With fully phased coatings of swarobright, swarodur and swarotop the flat lenses give simply excellent light transmission and lifelike colours. The image is also as one would expect with all good quality binoculars clear right to the edges.

All that remains for me now is to try and persuade Swarovski Optik to let me keep them!

Please note that in 2021 Swarovski Optik released the updated Swarovski EL Range TA. For more details follow this link: swarovski-el-range-ta  

For a review of Swarovski's SLC 8x42 Binocular, follow this link: swarovski-slc-binocular-review

With easily the best optics in the industry and customer service that’s second to none, County Deer Stalking is proud to be Premium Dealers of Swarovski optics.We offer the full range of Swarovski products including binoculars, riflescopes, spotting scopes and accessories. Special discounts are available to readers of County Deer Stalking Magazine and members of the Capreolus Club and we can deliver anywhere in the UK.

For information and prices on the range of Swarovski EL binoculars or any other Swarovski product, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 3981 0159 / 07789 747709



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