The Mc Laren MP4-12C courtesy of: Dream Car Events 

If I counted how many times I have got out of a car and said “that’s the best car I have driven” it would be a significant number . . . which I think must be based partly on the emotion of the moment, and partly on the fact that there is no such thing as a bad car anymore.

My firm belief is that these days “some are just a lot better than others” we all have our preferences I guess.

So in summary I believed very firmly indeed the most complete car I had driven up to last week was the Porsche 997 Turbo with PDK, a quite brilliant tool . . . that prompted me to write an over emotional email to my old employers and tell them it was fantastic (I would not do that to Ferrari as they would take the warranty off the car immediately on the basis we drive them as opposed to just looking at them and then servicing them)

Mclaren MP4-12C

However that firm belief that I had driven the most complete car . . .changed quite dramatically last weekend when I had the tortuous task of familiarising myself with the Ferrari F458 Italia.

The result is that I now believe that all politicians should be given 5 minutes in this car and the world’s problems would go away . . . why is that?

Because when you get out you feel you have reached the pinnacle of what life should be about . . . there is nothing to say AT ALL!! Your mouth opens and nothing comes out for several minutes, that is why I think it would be great for politicians, it would instantly shut them up.

It really is that good . . . every school child should be allowed to view this car up close as part of the national curriculum it should be taken to schools across the country.

“Some cars are just a lot better than others” that applies here on a MASSIVE scale I am afraid, the F458 Italia is the best sportscar in the world by a margin the size of our national debt.

So what do we have that could challenge that position of superiority?

The Mclaren MP4 12C.. now McLaren say “forget what you know about sportscars”, that is interesting because I did last weekend because of the MP4′s most direct competitor. My biggest issue is that I do think MP4 is a tad unfortunate as a name, it sounds like a replacement for the MP3 … player. I think 12C would suffice.

I have been to McLaren and it is without doubt the benchmark for everything that is perfect in the world, everything looks right and nothing is out of place it really is quite astonishing . . .

Good news for our customers is that the McLaren MP4 player is next up for us . . . I would love to think that when I step into this beautiful masterpiece of British brilliance it will surpass the F458 but my gut feeling says it would have to be so so special to do that . . . however I really, really want it to

Question is will it? Watch this space and find out..



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