As every self-respecting deer stalker knows, the first day of the season for Red hinds is on the 21st October and this year members of the Capreolus Club were in the highlands ready and waiting.


The reason being, they had also been there for the closing days of the season for Red stag, such was the timing of the club’s annual trip.

The location for the trip was the Glencoe region of the West highlands, where members were located in the Kings House hotel, a newly refurbished landmark on the West Highland Way, that is now proving a popular launch point for those wishing to explore the area.

Capreolus Club Red deer stalking

Glencoe is widely regarded as the most beautiful part of the highlands and with its craggy, sharply rising Munro’s, it is not for the faint hearted. Here you have to be fit to stalk. During four days, the fittest members of the club ascended/descended over 700 storeys, during 50 kilometers of hiking, in often tough conditions. Undoubtedly, some of the toughest stalking that Scotland has to offer.  

deer stalking Glencoe

Thankfully, the hard work paid off, with members taking both a number of stags and hinds.

The additional good news is that we’ve captured the members efforts on film, so whilst the photos here provide a taster, for the full visual experience, check out our latest film on YouTube which you can watch by following this link:

Alternatively, don’t just look at it through a lens,get involved! If you’d like to be part of the Capreolus Club’s trip to the highlands next year, then why not consider joining the Capreolus Club and get involved with this, and countless other trips and events throughout the year. You can apply here: apply-now

Red hind stalking

In the meantime, down here in the south, the open season for females kicks off in just 48hrs time, on the 1st November.

Stalking the lowlands and woodlands of southern England may not require quite the same level of fitness, but it certainly holds similar levels of excitement and a variety of deer species. 

County Deer Stalking Scotland

If you’d like to learn how to stalk deer, a great place to start is by doing the PDS1 Deer Stalking Certificate. It’s a nationally recognised course that is approved by both LANTRA and UK Rural Skills and can be sat from the comfort of your own home, via an easy-to-use e-learning platform which you can access here: deer-stalking-course

To contact us to find out more about deer stalking, simply call: 0203 981 0159 or email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We'll be delghted to hear from you. 





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