The North American’s call them Moose we call them Elk, how ever you prefer to refer to them, you are likely to be pretty awed by your first sighting of this huge animal.

Norwegian Moose Licensed 1 555px

My own first sighting of European Elk was on the second day of a Capreolus Club trip to the river Namsen in Central Norway, I had been stood waiting patiently with my fellow member Mike as beaters and dogs attempted to move one of these huge animals to our position.

Lunch Norway 555

(Above: Hunters and beaters break for lunch) 

An hour or so passed and all was perfectly still in the Pine forest, my stomach began to ‘grumble’ and my mind began to wander to the flask of coffee in my rucksack. Typically, as soon as the rifle was over the shoulder and lips had touched the coffee, as if seizing on the opportunity presented by the hapless duo of foreign hunters, to our utter astonishment an enormous Bull appeared silently out of the dense Norwegian pine to our left and trotted nonchalantly passed us at no more than 12 yards, before disappearing back into the forest to our right. Had it paused or even slowed Mike, who had promptly dropped his coffee to the forest floor and shouldered his rifle, would have had his second Moose of the trip, however, on this occasion it was not to be, but ‘oh my word’, what a spectacular beast.

Schneider Norway Capreolus Club

(Above: The stunning Norwegian countryside) 

Fortunately for Mike he had taken another Bull Elk two days prior and for another one of our club members Timur, a very nice Cow the day before. The regrettable timing of our ‘elevenses’ did not therefore, cause too much distress and the disappointment was further alleviated by the traditional cook up around the open fire at lunch.

Mike Moose Capreolus Club For me, Elk or no Elk, the opportunity to share in the hunt and the rich hunting culture of this Scandinavia country was an absolute privilege. Norwegians are understandably protective of these animals and proud of their hunting culture which, much in tune with the ideals of Norwegian society, shares in success.

The hunting in Norway is far from being about the kill, it is about enjoying the comradery and the outdoors. It is about conversations around the open fire and in the ‘Sauna’ post hunt. It is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the great outdoors and spectacular Scandinavian scenery, it is the type of hunting and scenery that make the heart soar.

(Left; Mike takes a nice Bull)

For members of the club it was also a few days to relax amongst friends and indulge in some, first-class Norwegian hospitality and locally sourced fish and venison.

I am pleased to say that we have captured some footage of our Capreolus Club trip to Norway and will be releasing a short film about the trip in the near future.

(Below:  A highlight of the trip - lunch, Elk heart, fried up over the fire pit) 

Fireside Capreolus Club

The Capreolus Club is very proud to be able to offer our members European Elk/Moose and the most aspirational, 'King of game-birds' - 'Capercaillie' in the mountains of Central Norway. 

This exclusive hunting concession, which covers a vast 250,000 acres of breath-taking Norwegian countryside, has an impressive provenance, with various royals, nobles and dignitaries having visited the river Namsen since the late 1800's.

Elk Extraction Capreolus Club

(Above: Extracting the shot Elk Cow is a mission)  

Full-board accommodation comes in the form of luxurious, comfortable cabins situated on the world-famous river Namsen, all with full maid and house-keeping service. The Club has been granted exclusive access to this prestigious hunting retreat and members of the Capreolus Club are invited to simply 'book & go' on a bespoke basis for any number of days. 

River Namsen Capreolus Club

(Above: View from the Cabin's of the River Namsen) 

As well as Elk and Capercaillie, there is also first-class fishing for Salmon and Sea Trout. Why not try and achieve the 'Viking Challenge?' land a fish, stalk an Elk and shoot a Capercaillie! 

To watch the film of our epic adventure simply follow this link:

Alternatively, for more information contact the Capreolus Club for details of how you could be part of the next exciting visit to this spectacular part of the world: 0203 981 0159 /0208 239 7311 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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