We look ahead to what is in store for the month of May.

Roebuck Licensed 1

For those who have a passion for Roebuck, May is among the finest months of the year to stalk.The Roe deer will be exhibiting beautiful foxy red coats and their antlers will be clean of velvet. Not only do they look the part but their behaviour also reaches an extremely interesting stage in their annual cycle.

Perhaps of all the UK’s deer species timing is crucial with Roe, get it wrong and you may hardly catch a glimpse, however, get your timing right and it can seem as though Roe can be found in every field and wood.  

Of course deer do not conform to the calendar month, and the increased activity brought on by the males vigorous attempt to establish a territory, might only last a couple of weeks. However the combination of their pleasing visual appearance and increased activity, mean that May is often the favoured month of the experienced Roe stalker. Even if you fail to encounter a buck, by late spring the British countryside is a lush and beautiful place to while away a few hours in a high seat.  

If your pockets do not stretch to a mature trophy, or your deer management plan does not demand it, then it is a point worth keeping in mind, that the smaller less dominant animals appear in a constant state of anxiety, as they roam the peripheries in an effort to circumvent the prime areas under the control of their larger counterparts. In this heightened state of distraction it is often possible to seize opportunities which otherwise might not be granted. 

Make the most of May, because during June the Roe Buck will seemingly dissolve into the dense under storey where they will remain inactive, gaining weight and improving body condition ready for the rut in late July and early August.

April 2017 film still

All of which leads me nicely onto this month’s film in which we show you how it’s possible to shoot a deer twice with just one bullet, how it’s possible to call in a Roebuck even though it’s not the rut and we get up close and personal with a Muntjac amongst the Bluebells. To watch this months film follow this link to our short films page; 'April 2017' 'Early Season Roebuck': short-films   

Editorpic150IN Season in England & Wales:  Roebuck, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.

OFF Season in England & Wales: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Sika Stag, Red Hind, Red Stag, CWD Buck & CWD Doe. 

IN Season in Scotland: Roebuck

OFF Season in Scotland: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Fallow Buck, Sika Hind, Sika Stag, Red Hind, Red Stag. 

(Peter Jones - Editor)




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