You may wish to consider the latest offering of FREE Cull days & themed Range days from the Capreolus club. Toby Worthington reveals more.

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(Bronze courtesy of Jenna Gearing)

Despite the fact, that in the UK it is possible to stalk deer 365 days a year, for many recreational stalkers, it is during the autumn months that many will book their stalking, and with this autumn’s rut soon to get underway, and with many recreational stalkers looking to make a booking or two, the allure of joining the Capreolus Club seems to have improved still further.

The club is now offering regular FREE cull days and FREE Range days to its members on a beautiful estate in West Sussex, just one hour from London.

woodland stalker range day 2

(The first of the clubs FREE Cull days is due to take place on the 20th October)

Typically these days appear to follow not a dissimilar format to arriving at a bird shoot. Groups of guns, or ‘rifles’ as they are correctly termed in this case, arrive at the estate where they are met by their hosts with tea/coffee sausage rolls and pastries, before being allotted a ‘peg’ or in this case high seat/stalk location to sit in wait for deer.

After the hunt members are collected from their locations and reconvene for a ‘tipple’ of Port or whisky and a round-up of the event. All very jolly.

Deer stalking is usually a solitary sport, and so what I think is so nice about these types or events is that it gives stalkers an opportunity to enjoy their chosen sport with other likeminded individuals.

woodland stalker range day

Other opportunities to do so are provided by the club’s free range days. Unlike the confines of a formal range, these events are designed to enhance members marksmanship over a series of targets presented in scenarios likely to be encountered in real life settings. Members of the club are invited to take shots from standing, kneeling and freehand in a variety of challenging positions on life-size steel deer targets, at a variety of ranges. With prizes being presented this year at the club’s end of year Christmas event at the famous ‘Naval & Military Club’ in St James’s Square, London.

(Above: Coming Soon - Look out for more from the Clubs first 'Woodland Stalker' Range Day) 

Of course the club’s offerings aren’t for everyone. If you have plenty of your own stalking and treasure the opportunity to spend time on your lonesome, then the club may not appeal however, there is no denying that the club has gone some sizeable way to improving the accessibility of the sport to those who struggle to find land, or simply to those that wish to be able to interact with other stalkers. Add to this, the fact that the club also offers priority one-on-one accompanied stalking, a growing list of bespoke hunting opportunities, regular trips to Scotland and Europe and special discounted monthly offers and it is perhaps unsurprising that the club is thriving.

The Capreolus club is now over 70 strong and growing fast. If you’d like to apply to become a part of this thriving and friendly members club, then contact the club's chairman Peter Jones on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or simply complete the following online application form: apply-now or call Peter Jones on: 07789 747709 





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