Earn money from deer stalking. Recommend the PDS1 Deer Stalking Course and earn £100-00.

PDS1 Deer Stalking Course

We want the PDS1 to become the UK’s deer stalking course of choice and we want you, our readers to help. To encourage you to get involved, we are going to give you something back.

We recognise that in the UK, it is excellent people on the ground like you, that are the lifeblood of deer management, and that it is often people like you that are responsible for introducing beginners to the sport. Recognising this, we have launched the following simple scheme that is designed to reward you for recommending the PDS1.    

The process couldn’t be simpler.

PDS1 Referral Scheme INFOGRAPHIC 555pxIf you know someone that is interested in taking up deer stalking, maybe it’s a friend or a stalking client, simply tell them about the Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate (PDS1) and when they enrol, we’ll give you £100-00 as a thank you. What’s more, we’ll also donate £10-00 to charity.

The only thing you need to do, is give us the name of the individual that you have recommended, so that we know who made the recommendation and who to pay. It really is that simple.

Sounds too good to be true. It’s not, and you have every good reason to feel confident in recommending the PDS1. It’s a nationally recognised deer stalking course that has been running for over a decade and is ‘Accredited’ by both of the UK’s leading, land-based awarding bodies LANTRA and UK Rural Skills. LANTRA itself is overseen by both the ‘British Standards Institute’ and ‘Ofqual’, so you have every reason to be confident in the recommendation that you have made, safe in the knowledge that your friend or client will be undertaking a nationally approved and accredited course.

What’s more the PDS1 now includes a Large Game Meat Hygiene element that is unavailable elsewhere. Find out more here: large-game-meat-hygiene-course

If you know someone that wants to get into deer stalking, give it a try. Mention the PDS1 to them, send us a quick email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with their name, and as soon as they sign up, we’ll give you £100-00 as a thank you and send £10-00 to charity.

In one swoop, you will have introduced someone to deer stalking, made a contribution to charity and have earned £100-00 to boot!

To find out more about the Proficient Deer Stalker Course follow this link: deer-stalking-course

Or alternatively, if you’d like to speak with us call: 0203 981 0159 and we’ll be happy to help.

*NB. This offer is only for those that take up the PDS1 Online. Payment to the initial introducer only. Rates of remuneration are subject to change with 30 days’ notice.




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