The 01st August marks a transition in deer stalking, with the males of the larger, herding species now in season across the whole of the UK.

Jason Doyle Peter Jones Deer Stalking

“Look out for our next film, coming soon to ‘County Deer Stalking YouTube’, during which I am stalking Roebuck with well-known industry professional Jason Doyle”

In fact, from the beginning of the month all male deer except the Chinese Water Deer are in season. But that is not to say that it is sensible to stalk them. In fact, if you are going to preserve your stalking, don’t jump in with regular stalk outings, all you’ll do is pressure the deer into leaving your ground in favour of less disturbed areas before the season even really starts to get going.

At the Capreolus Club we are taking our own advice and are setting aside our main syndicate ground for a month, from the end of the Roe rut in mid-August.

With the ground cover still ‘crazy high’ and with many members still away for the summer holidays, it shouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience to members and hopefully will pay dividend in the autumn. We are also using the time to put up a few new high seats and to cut back some of the rides, ready for when things really start to hot up in the autumn.

So, with that said, a little news if I may.

Firstly, for those that have taken the PDS1, we are delighted to announce the release of the PDS Level 2.

A great deal of time and thought has gone into producing the Level 2 course, which is designed to set the ‘Gold Standard’ in UK Deer Stalking qualifications.

Unlike the DSC Level 2, which some readers will be familiar with, and requires just one ‘Independent Cull Record’ with no taught element. The PDS Level 2 requires the completion of a series of taught classes via the ‘Shooting & Hunting Academy’, followed by a demonstration of skill by the candidate in the field on at least two occasions. With each performance criteria, ranging from the stalk itself, to the extraction and storage, being observed by a PDS Approved Verifier and recorded in the candidate’s ‘Logbook’.

It is a fabulous course for those that may wish to take on a lease or apply to the police for a more open style FAC. Or simply for anyone that wants to advance their knowledge. To find out more, follow this link to the ‘Shooting & Hunting Academy’: proficient-deer-stalker-certificate-level-2

Alternatively, you may wish to listen to a recent Podcast by Peter Gibbon on the ‘Outdoor Gibbon’ Episode 18, during which I talk to Peter G about the PDS1 & 2 and a host of other subjects.

In other news, as a shooting man myself, it was a huge personal privilege last month, to interview and speak with George Digweed MBE, recent winner of the 2023 World FITASC Championships, during the filming of a ‘Pigeon Shooting Masterclass’ produced by George for the ‘Shooting & Hunting Academy’. During filming George provided an insight into a range of subjects ranging from Equipment, to how to shoot better and the winning mind.

It’s no understatement to say, that George is probably the greatest shot the world has ever seen. Whether we are deer stalkers, game shooters or clay shooters, we could all learn a thing or two from this 31-times world champion.

You can read about the course and watch the trailer here: george-digweed-shooting-masterclass

Finally, a call to action please. Many of you will be aware of the recent Home Office Consultation on Firearms Ownership. It’s an important moment for both shotgun and firearm owners and could have far reaching implications. There are only a few weeks to go before the consultation period ends, so if you have not done so already, I urge you to get involved. Follow this link to find out more from BASC: Changing rules on gun ownership – action required - BASC

Peter Jones 150IN Season in England & Wales:  Roebuck, Fallow Buck, Red & Sika Stag, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.

OFF Season in England & Wales: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Sika Hind, Red Hind, CWD Bucks & CWD Doe. 

IN Season in Scotland: Roebuck, Red Stag, Sika Stag, Fallow Buck.

OFF Season in Scotland: Roe Doe, Fallow Doe, Sika Hind, Red Hind.

(Peter Jones - Editor) 




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