01st November is the most eagerly awaited date in the deer managers diary, we explain why. 

November 2020 deer stalking almanac

For those who need to get to grips with a burgeoning deer population, the day has finally arrived when you can do something about it.

In England & Wales the 01st November represents the first day of the open season for all females. In Scotland this date arrived on the 21st October. However, from 01st November deer managers across the whole of the UK can now finally tackle the females.

For those with a specific duty to control numbers, this is therefore an important time of year, as it is only possible to truly get to grips with an expanding population, by shooting the breeding animals. A brief look at population dynamics and you soon realise that shooting males has almost no effect. Efforts up until now may have been good fun, but they have done precious little good when it comes to keeping the population in check.

For recreational stalkers who do not have a job to do, but simply enjoy an outings deer stalking from time-to-time, the winter months are perfect for some affordable hunting.

Females, whether they be Roe Doe or Red Hind, are significantly more affordable than their male counterparts and will usually incur just a small success fee, or on some occasions no fee at all. Either way, with the need to meet cull targets, hunting females is an affordable way to enjoy some good quality sport and a great way to fill up the freezer with venison, a meat that is typically consumed in greater quantity during the build up to Christmas.

Amongst most species, it is not just the females that are in season. In England & Wales for Muntjac, Fallow, Red, Sika and CWD, the open season for males runs concurrently with that of the females, and this is great news, because a comment that I hear frequently these days – is that the rut for Red, Sika & Fallow is happening later and later. So, the beginning of November can also be a great time to get out and witness the last days of the rut. Regrettably however, in Scotland the season for Stags finished on the 20th October, just as the rut was getting underway! A ridiculous state of affairs, which in my view needs amending.

Film Still Oct 2020 555px

Speaking of the rut, on to this month’s film, which comes to you from the New Forest, where we have some of the action from this years Fallow rut. We’re looking at the high numbers that have built up in this region, we’re also looking at Blaser’s new shooting sticks, a Bergarra rifle and we’re interviewing members of the Capreolus Club, one of whom takes his first deer. It’s a great film, so please take a moment to view: youtube.com/watch

Peter Jones 150IN Season in England & Wales:  Roe Doe, Fallow Doe & Fallow Buck, Sika Stag & Sika Hind, Red Stag & Red Hind, CWD Buck & CWD Doe, Muntjac Buck & Muntjac Doe.

OFF Season in England & Wales:  Roebuck.

In Season in Scotland:  Fallow Buck, Fallow Does, Roe Doe, Sika Hind, Red Hind.

Off Season in Scotland: Red Stag, Sika Stag & Roebuck 

(Peter Jones - Editor) 




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