For those who love their Roe Deer Stalking the month of July represents the high light of the Deer Stalkers calendar, for with the end of July comes the start of the Roe Rut! 


As the month progresses stalkers up and down the country will be fidgeting at their desks in anticipation of an evening’s stalk, or else turning restlessly in their beds with dreams of the excitement of the mornings stalk to come.

Families and partners will also have to be tolerant as dedicated stalkers dust off their ‘Roe Calls’ and start to practice at what can, to the untrained ear, sound simply like an irritating ‘squeaky toy’!

The Roe Rut is an exciting time of year. Whilst the start date is weather dependent, the rut typically stretches from around the 20th July through to the 10th August, with warm thundery weather usually acting as the catalyst for the onset of activity. With slight variations around the country, it is usually the warmer South of the country that first hales the start of the rutting activity, with the North following a few days later.

Here in Hampshire, as with last year, I will of course post an article to the website the moment I get an indication that the Rut is underway. The first visible sign usually being that of a Buck chasing a Doe in ever decreasing circles until she stands allowing herself to be covered.

In their single minded pursuit of their mating rights Bucks can often appear oblivious to their surroundings and this can offer the hunter the opportunity to approach otherwise cautious and secretive animals unnoticed.

It is also by replicating the Does high pitched squeak that the experienced Roe Stalker can lure in a beast with a well practiced call. Observing an old Buck come charging across a field of standing wheat is an image from last year that will stay with me, and is one of many ‘jaw dropping’ moments from last summer’s activity.

For more information about calling Roe Buck take a look at my latest tips on the subject:

The Roe Rut is undoubtedly one of the true spectacles of the British Countryside and witnessing such events is a rare privilege. Unlike other larger species of deer, Roe deer are not Park animals and so observing their behaviour is a rarity which can only truly be achieved in their natural surroundings.   

As for the other species of deer?....What other deer?  As I say, July is all about the Roe Rut. Yes in Scotland Red & Sika Stags are back on the menu, however they are still in velvet, so the season proper has not started.

Muntjac, yes they’ll be about. But did I mention the Roe Rut? At any rate good luck and look out for my proclamation of the start of this year’s activity!

IN Season in England & Wales:  Roe Buck, Muntjac Bucks & Muntjac Does.

OFF Season in England & Wales: Roe Does, Fallow Does, Fallow Buck, Sika Hinds, Sika Stags, Red Hinds, Red Stags, CWD Bucks & CWD Does. 

IN Season in Scotland: Roe Buck, Red Stags, Sika Stags, Muntjac Bucks & Does.

OFF Season in Scotland: Roe Does, Fallow Does, Fallow Buck, Sika Hinds, Red Hinds.




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