Toby Worthington follows a handful of Capreolus Club members as they set off to Croatia in search of Boar.

Beach wood

(Above: Croatia has some beautiful expanses of woodland that are ideal for Boar hunting) 

With the leaves gently falling like giant golden flakes of snow, amongst the glorious Beech woods of Croatia, and with the baying of excited hounds and shouts from beaters echoing around the ancient woods, the first Boar drive got under way. 

93x74 Calibre 250It was to be a test of Capreolus vs Boar, during what was to be the first trip on the Boar for the newly amalgamated Capreolus club. And what a day it was to be. During the course of the first day, six rifles dispatched twenty eight Boar.

(Left: A rarely seen 9.3x74 Calibre Chapuis double rifle, this calibre is popular on the continent and is designed to propel a heavy 285 grain bullet that is considered ideal for short range Boar shooting) 

This in itself was not staggering, what was perhaps more impressive was the shot to kill ratio, which was a credit to those involved.

With around a 90% success rate, members of the club were shooting very well indeed and had clearly absorbed much of the training imparted over preceding months, at specially designed ranges in the UK.    

Boar Croatia

(Above: Club Chair Peter Jones bags himself a huge 212kg Boar using a rarely seen Chapuis double rifle in 9.3x74) 

Despite all being experienced deer stalkers, the discipline for Boar is quite different, with shots typically being taken at running game using large, heavy calibre rifles, including calibres such as the 9.3x74....With what can best be described as armour plating covering much of their bodies, these animals take some putting down!

Rami Croatian Boar

(Above: Peter's Boar was soon to be eclipsed by this excellent medal winning beast shot by club member Rami)

As well as some notably fine shots being taken by all of the club members, club chair Peter Jones was fortunate enough to dispatch a huge medal winning male weighing in at 212kg with a rarely seen Chapius double rifle, as it burst from cover some 50 yards out. This was to be the most impressive Boar shot until the very final morning, when he was trumped by club member Rami, who shot a wild Boar, which, although smaller in weight at around 100kg, exhibited truly awesome tusks that are in all likelihood set to achieve gold. 

Capreolus Boar

(Above: The result of some excellent shooting, a tally of 29 Boar) 

For the British Stalker who is less accustomed to shooting driven game and who is somewhat more inclined to shooting smaller calibre rifles, European Boar shooting is a not only a thrill but a superb spectacle that encompasses long standing traditions which, more often than not, culminates in an evening feast and over indulgence of alcohol.

Fire side stories

(Above: Members indulge in some great food and fireside conversation) 

If you’d like to learn more about the Capreolus Club or would like to enquire about joining, then follow this link: capreolus-club 

Alternatively you can email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0208 239 7311 for more details or to request a brochure. 




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