The Capreolus Club - the UK’s most well-known and respected deer stalking and big game hunting club, has recently launched its 2021 diary of events.

Capreolus Club Events 2021

Above: Pigeon Decoying, Elk in Norway, Red Stag & Hind in Scotland, Boar in Europe, Range days and 100 Springbok in Africa. Just some of the superb events on offer next year through the UK's leading deer and large game hunting club.

So, what does the club have in store? Well, with each passing year the clubs diary of events appears to become more extensive and exciting, with each event being carefully scheduled to coincide perfectly with the high point in each respective deer and game season whilst not demanding extended periods of time away from family and work commitments.

Such examples are the club’s superb whistle stop tour to South Africa for 100 Springbok in May. Here there is the opportunity to head out on the Thursday evening to experience the thrill of Africa but be back at your desk on Monday morning!

Other highlights include the club’s annual trip to the highlands, which in 2021 will encompasses both the end of the Red Stag season and beginning of the season for Hinds, right ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of the rut. Choose either Stag or Hind Stalking or indeed both, for two to four days, it’s up to you.

Norway, right at the start of the season for Elk and at the end of the season for Brown Trout. The Roe rut event scheduled for the 23rd July, the very date that has time-again, represented the start of the Roe rut. Fallow Buck right in the middle of the October Rut. A club stalk day on the first day of ‘Open season’ for females and many other fabulous events, all designed to ensure that members are able to get the very best from their stalking and hunting during 2021.

It’s a great diary, but it’s not an exhaustive one. As the club becomes more widely recognised, it is being approached with more opportunities. Just recently in fact, the club has been offered a wonderful opportunity to shoot Boar at a very prestigious Chateau just north of Reims and there is no doubt that other opportunities will present themselves in the coming months.  

As for the Capreolus Club’s excellent PLUS scheme? No doubt many more individuals will be attracted to a scheme, that offers unaccompanied stalking over thousands of acres on a simple ‘book-and-go’ basis. This is a syndicate that the club is very proud of, and to support the scheme during 2021, the club intends to introduce many hundreds of extra acres of first-class deer stalking.

Other benefits of membership this coming year? Ongoing support from the world leader in optics ‘Swarovski Optik’, increasing support from Blaser, 10% discount on bookings at Holland & Holland rifle and cinema ranges. Assistance 24/7 with firearms enquiries from one of the UK's leading experts. No nonsense help with FAC renewals, variations and applications. Individual bespoke hunting opportunities for anything from Pere David to Dangerous Game. Accompanied stalking over tens of thousands of acres. Social events in London’s top venues and many other benefits that all ensure that Capreolus Club member can be assured that they are members of the UK’s finest and most well-respected deer stalking and big game hunting club.

If you’d like to get the most from your deer stalking in 2021 then why not take a look at some of the fabulous trips and events scheduled for next year:

And if you’d like to apply to join this thriving friendly club, then simply complete the following online form to tell us more about your experience and we’ll be happy to consider your application: apply-now

If you are new to deer stalking? Then a great place to start is by taking the highly regarded PDS1 Deer Stalking Certificate. What’s great about this is that you can do the theory element online through a series of modules and tests delivered via an e-learning platform, Click here to find out more: huntingacademy




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