James Schneider adds a new item of equipment to his deer stalking kit.

It was the least pleasant bit of the morning.  An exciting winter stalk with my Sauer 202 in 6.5x55 Swedish upon some very switched-on Roe had resulted in a cleanly lung-shot doe at 200 yards.  The beast had been dragged and prepared for the gralloch.  And then, I take a deep breath and get ready for the anal tract extraction...

Butt Out

(Above: The 'But Out' by Deer'e'ere!)

So much of our PDS and DSC training is focused on hygiene and carcass preparation, it is normal to treat this delicate procedure with great caution and trepidation as the risks of contamination are many if not done properly.

That is, until the invention of the Butt Out by Deer’e’ere! 

Received from a Secret Santa a few weeks earlier, I thought the item more of an amusing prank gift that was a great laugh at the time.  It was then thrown into my kit bag and promptly forgotten about.  Not anymore!

Butt Out 2 In the situation above, I recalled its location and decided to give my newly re-discovered tool a go.  Easy to insert, and after a twist and slow but firm pulling pressure it was amazing how efficient, cleanly and quickly this clever device was able to extract the entire tract in one go.  Brilliant!  If only my post-holiday diet and exercise routine had the same effect. 

(Left: A cleanly shot Roe Doe)

The Butt Out is small, lightweight at 41g and a great addition to the stalker’s kit bag for less than £20.  I am impressed with its value-add and positive impact on this unpleasant but critical part of the gralloch process.  It is essential that carcass preparation is done cleanly and professionally every time, and the Butt Out will assist with hygienic venison for the butcher or home table.  And it makes a great Secret Santa gift, sure to bring a smile and top of my list for giving in 2018! 

To Read more about other items of kit used by James, follow this link: napier-apex-auto-lift




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